21. What important roles can ‘xiangxian’ play in rural governance?
The Chinese word “乡贤” (xiangxian) means talented villagers with virtue. Nowadays, they are usually seen as an important player in developing public etiquette and ethical standards to become more aligned with core socialist values in rural China. This case is derived from Chengxiang Town of Taicang County in Jiangsu Province. In it, ‘xiangxian’ have played more than the role as usually expected in rural governance.
There are three milestones in this case. First, thirteen ‘xiangxian’ were selected from local communities to serve as volunteer mediators to help manage conflicts over governance issues in Chengxiang Town. This led to the establishment of a social organization by the name of “Laoniangjiu zhiyuanfuwushe”. Then, the pool of potential ‘xiangxian’ was expanded to include villagers from other groups such as well-respected grassroots cadres, villagers with talent for economic development and cultural development, retired leaders and workers, and moral exemplars. Third, each of the eight villages in Chengxiang Town established its “Hall of Xiangxian” whose members were chosen from the enlarged pool. Currently, these halls have become a governance mechanism through which ‘xiangxian’ guide villagers to participate in making decisions about local affairs, expressing opinions about residential development, and managing conflicts within local communities.
This case demonstrates four roles of ‘xiangxian’ in rural governance. The first is that of facilitator in rural economic development. Many ‘xiangxian’ have resources with respect to capital, technology, information, market, and network, all of which can be used to develop the economy of their village. The second role is that of ‘safety valve’ or ‘stabilizer’ in rural community. ‘Xiangxian’ can contribute to social stability by their constructive management of conflicts, particularly in the form of preventing minor conflicts from becoming major ones and dividing major conflicts into minor ones that are often easier to manage. In the third place, ‘xiangxian’ can become villagers’ role models that embody core socialist values. They are, in this sense, moral exemplars of their village. Their fourth role is that of mediator between villagers and local government in rural governance. Since ‘xiangxian’ tend to be perceived as trustworthy in their community, their opinions and suggestions regarding issues of great importance to the village are more likely to be considered or even accepted by other villagers. Thus, ‘xiangxian’ can help to build mutual trust between villagers and local government in the long term.
Source: Taicang Daily, http:// www.taicangdaily.com