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Journal articles

(1) Urbanization and Urban-rural Governance

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S., and Liu, J. (2022). Rethinking China’s Rural Revitalization from an Historical Perspective. Journal of Urban History. 48(3), 565-577.

Wong, S.W., Dai, Y., Tang, B. S., and Liu, J. L. (2021). A new model of village urbanization? Coordinative governance of state-village relations in Guangzhou City, China. Land Use Policy, 109, 105500.

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S. Liu, J.L., Liang, M and Ho, W. (2021). From “Decentralization of Governance” to “Governance of Decentralization”: Reassessing Income Inequality in Periurban China. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(6), 1473-1489. (Open Access)

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S. and Liu, J.L. (2021). Neoliberal State Intervention and the Power of Community in Urban Regeneration: A Tale of Three Village Redevelopment Cases in Guangzhou, China. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 1-13. (Open Access)

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S. and Liu, J. (2020). Village Elections, Grassroots Governance and State Power Restructuring: An Empirical Study in Southern Periurban China. The China Quarterly, 241(March), 22–42.

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S. and Liu, J. (2018).Village Redevelopment and Desegregation as a Strategy for Metropolitan Development in Southern China: Some Lessons from Guangzhou City. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(6), 1064-1079.

Wong, S.W. (2016). Reconsolidation of state power into urbanizing villages: shareholding reforms as a strategy for governance in Pearl River Delta Region. Urban Studies, 53, 689-704.

Wong, S.W. (2015). Urbanization as a process of state building: local governance reforms in China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(5), 912-926.

Wong, S.W. (2015). Land requisitions and state-village power restructuring in Southern China. The China Quarterly, 224 (December), 888-908.

Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S., and van Horen, B.(2006). Strategic urban management in China: A Case Study of Guangzhou Development District. Habitat International. 30(3), 645-667.

Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., and Lau, C.H. (2008). Social Impact Assessment and Public Participation in China: a case of land requisition in Guangzhou. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 28(1), 57-72.      

Wong, S.W. and Tang, B.S. (2005). Challenges to the Sustainability of Development Zones: A Case Study of Guangzhou Development District, China. Cities, 22(4), 303-316.

(2) City Development Planning and Governance

Guo, J., Qin, Z., Wong, M. S., Wong, S.W., Yeung, S., Abbas, S., and Shen, G. Q. (2022). Spatial Analysis of the Development Potential of a Commercial District: A Case of Hong Kong. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(1), 05021058.

Ho, W.K., Tang, B.S. and Wong, S.W. (2021). Sustainable Development Scale of Housing Estates: An Economic Assessment using Machine Learning Approach. Sustainable Development. DOI: 10.1002/sd.2168

Ho, W.K., Tang, B.S., and Wong, S.W. (2021). Predicting property prices with machine learning algorithms. Journal of Property Research, 38(1), 48-70.

Tang, B.S., Wong, K.K., Tang, K.S., and Wong, S.W. (2021). Walking accessibility to neighbourhood open space in a multi-level urban environment of Hong Kong. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(5), 1340-1356.

Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., Ho, W.K., and Kwan, T.W. (2020). Urban Land Uses within Walking Catchment of Metro Stations in a Transit-oriented City. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35(4), 1303-1319.

Guo, J., B. Sun, Z. Qin, Wong, S.W., Yeung, C.W., Wang, H., abbas, S., and Shen, Q.P. (2020). Analysing the Effects for Different Scenarios on Surrounding Environment in a High-density City, Cities, 99, 102585.

Li, Y., Chen, X.G., Tang, B., and Wong, S.W. (2018). From project to policy: Adaptive Reuse and Urban Industrial Land Restructuring in Guangzhou City, China. Cities, 82, 68-76.

Guo, J., Sun, B., Qin, Z., Wong, S.W., Wong, M.S., Yeung, C.W., and Shen, Q. (2017). A Study of Plot Ratio/building Height Restrictions in High Density cities using 3D Spatial Analysis Technology: A Case in Hong Kong. Habitat International, 65, 13-31.

Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., and Liu. S.C. (2011). Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China. Urban Studies, 48(5), 847-875.

Tang, B.S. and Wong, S.W. (2008). A Longitudinal Study of Open Space Zoning and Development in Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning, 87(4), 258-268.

Liu, S.C., Wang, D., Tang, B.S., and Wong, S.W. (2007).What We Do and Can Do for a Living: Expanding the Role of the Real Estate Profession. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 25(5), 468-481.

Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., and Lee, A.K.W. (2007). Green Belt in A Compact City: A Zone for Conservation or Transition? Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 358-373.  

Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., and Liu, S.C. (2006). Property agents, housing markets and housing services in transitional urban China. Housing Studies, 21(6), 83-86.  

Tang, B.S., Haila, A., and Wong, S.W. (2006). Housing intermediary services in China: the rise and fall of ‘fang wu yin hang’. Journal of Housing & the Built Environment, 21(4), 337-354.

Tang, B.S. Wong, S.W., and Lee, A.K.W. (2005). Green belt, countryside conservation and local politics: a Hong Kong case study. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 17(3), 230-247.

(3) Regional Development Planning and Governance

He, H., Shen, L., Wong, S.W., Cheng, G., and Shu, T. (2023). A “load-carrier” perspective approach for assessing tourism resource carrying capacity. Tourism Management, 94, 104651.


​​Du, X., Shen, L., Wong, S.W., Meng, C., and Yang, Z. (2021). Night-time light data based decoupling relationship analysis between economic growth and carbon emission in 289 Chinese cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 73, 103119.

Du, X., Shen, L., Wong, S.W., Meng, C., Cheng, G., and Yao, F. (2021). MBO based indicator-setting method for promoting low carbon city practice. Ecological Indicators, 128, 107828.

Xiong, N., Wong, S.W., and Ren, Y., and Shen, L.Y. (2020). Regional Disparity in Urbanizing China: Empirical Study
of Unbalanced Development Phenomenon of Towns in Southwest China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 146(3): 05020013.

Liao, S., Wu, Y., Wong, S.W., and Shen, L. (2020). Provincial Perspective Analysis on the Coordination between Urbanization Growth and Resource Environment Carrying Capacity (RECC) in China. The Science of the Total Environment. DOI. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138964. 


Shen, L., Huang, Y., Huang, Z., Lou, Y., Ye, G., and Wong, S.W. (2018). Improved coupling analysis on the coordination between socio-economy and carbon emission. Ecological Indicators, 94, 357-366.

Shen, L., Huang, Z., Wong, S.W., Liao, S., and Lou, Y. (2018). A holistic evaluation of smart city performance in the context of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, 667-679.


(4) Referred Journal Paper in Chinese

刘金龙, 黄小慧, 邓宝善. (2018). 城市化过程中城郊农村社区治理结构变迁——基于广州A区的研究. 中国农村观察, (3), 2-18.

刘金龙, 许雯雯, 王尚友. (2018). 东莞市农村集体经济的再出发. 农业经济问题, 458(2), 31-37.

刘金龙, 黄小慧. (2016). 加拿大温哥华市社区建设及其启示——以墩巴社区为例. 地方治理研究, (3), 49-57.

黄小慧, 刘金龙. (2014). 城与乡的关系史:新型城镇化思考. 湖南城市学院学报, 35(3), 1-7.

邓宝善, 黄小慧. (2005). 大珠江三角洲都会城市带管治问题探讨. 北京规划建设, 104(5), 68-70.


Book review and chapter

Wong, S. W. (2011). The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China: by You-tien Hsing. Journal of Construction Management, 11(4), 79-81.

Wong, S. W. (2011). State of the World’s Cities 2008 / 2009: Harmonious Cities. by United Nations Human Settlements Program. Journal of Construction Management, 11(1), 79-81.


Tang, B.S. and Wong, S.W. (accepted). Soul of the City: Public Space and Urban   Planning in Hong Kong, in Miodrag Mitrasinovic and Timothy Jachna (eds.). Public Space in a Chinese Megaregion: Contemporary Urban Practices and Design Strategies of the Greater Bay Area.

Conference papers


Yao Dai, Siu Wai Wong , Bo-Sin Tang , Jinlong Liu(2018). Rethinking “New Countryside Construction”: Lessons Learnt from the Guangzhou Luogang District, China, 23rd International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Guiyang, China 


Siu Wai Wong, Bo-sin Tang and Jinlong Liu (2018). Understanding China’s Urban Transformation from A Micro-Historical Perspective. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans


Siu Wai Wong and Bo-sin Tang (2017). Planning for urban transformation of rural villages: and empirical study of shareholding reforms in Guangzhou Luogang district, China, The 14th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, Beijing 

Siu Wai Wong, Bo-sin Tang and Jinlong Liu (2017). Urbanization, rescaling and transformation of village governance in China: a comparative perspective case study of Beijing and Gunagzhou. International conference on China urban development, London 


Siu Wai Wong (2016). Shareholding reforms and de-villagization: a new perspective on state-society power restructuring in urbanizing China. Research workshop on shareholding reforms and institutional capacity building for community governance in peri-urban China: theory and practice. Yiwu, Zhejiang, China 



Newspaper articles





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