23. How can social organizations play a role in collaborative governance of urban communities?
As urban China continues to develop, social organizations in urban communities are gradually performing certain functions of local governments, thus becoming an important facilitator of community self-governance. This case is derived from Jiancaidongli Compound of Xisanqijiedao of Haidian District in Beijing City. The Compound has explored a collaborative approach to urban community governance by adopting social organizations to link various governing subjects in an organic manner.
This urban governance innovation consists of three elements. The first is that the local government provides sufficient support for social organizations. For example, it renovated a space of 280 square meters for residents to enjoy cultural activities. It also recruited social workers to provide various social organizations with professional advices. The second element is that social organizations adopt a multilayered structure. For instance, there are three layers in “Huzhushe” (or “Residents’ Mutual Support Society” in English): head office, branch offices, and groups. Branch offices are independent from each other yet all under head office’s supervision according to the Society’s constitution. This structure has contributed to efficient and effective operation of the Society. The third element is that social organizations inside the Compound practice resource sharing with those outside of the Compound. This practice has proved to have a synergistic effect on the services for the residents of the Compound.
This case sheds some light on collaborative approach to urban community governance. First, local government needs to allow room for other subjects to participate in community governance. For one thing, social organizations need space for their own development into a key player in urban community governance. For another, residents need space to become governing subjects in their local communities. Second, residents need to participate in self-governance of their communities. Such participation can take various forms (e.g., local democratic elections and consultative decision making), through which residents can also play an active role in the process of community building. Third, resources from outside of local communities need to be utilized to optimize their governance.
Source: Ren Lu & Tian Xinluan. (2017). Organized links:An effective form of realizing collaborative governance in urban communities - A case study based on the community of Building Materials East Lane, Haidian District, Beijing. Henan Social Sciences (11), 119-124.