Community Planning and Self-governance Capacity Building for the Emerging Urban Communities in Periurban China: An Action-oriented Research Approach
The 2-year project aims to (1) develop a framework for comprehending the institutional complexities of community governance in the evolving rural turned- urban neighborhoods in peri urban China; and (2) develop a toolbox for transferring knowledge about community planning and capacity building to key decision-makers in these neighborhoods, as well as building the capacities of residents (both indigenous villagers and rural migrants) to better manage their rapidly changing neighborhoods.
The findings of our study will have both important theoretical and practical implications. On the practical front, this study is of great importance in identifying insights critical to an effective policy review on community planning and governance. The findings of this study will also help local residents identify problems peculiar to them so that they can find effective measures to strengthen their capacity of self-governance. On the academic front, this study will make two significant contributions. First, it will provide methodological insights to analyze community planning and governance in the locally specific context. Although the daily practice may vary from place to place, the analytical framework proposed for this study is generalizable and can be used for the study of community planning and governance in other urbanizing regions. Second, it will contribute to the ongoing debates on the development of self-governance and grassroots democracy in China.
Research findings of this study come from a research grant from Ford Foundation